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I know what he is about to do. He pushes in close to me and I feel his tongue and the water run down my thigh. I feel him move up and get closer. I feel his tongue slip slowly inside me. I feel it roll around and touch me. I feel my legs start to shake and support myself between the shower door and the wall. I moan as he licks deeper. I watch the water run over my breasts and fall onto Nick. I run my fingers through his hair. Nick slowly stands kissing my body as he moves up. He looks me in the eyes and kisses me gently and deeply. We change places I place Nick into the water. I slowly kneel before him kissing his body as I go down. I give a little nibble on his nipples as I go down. I get to his manhood and it is ready for me. I slowly slide it into my mouth. I such slowly and allow my teeth to drag over him. I see his legs start to quiver. I give him a little bit of work but do not take him all the way. As I stand he pushes against me. I lift my leg and start to mount his manhood.. He stopped. Reversed back. "I say Hansen, put a shirt on, you'll frighten the damn horses!"It wasn't the horses, it was his daughter Emma he was worried about. We lived on his estate. My dad worked for him. We lived in one of his cottages. Emma and I were almost the same age, the same school year, I'm six months older. We used to be friends, until he sent her to boarding school and I went to the local state school. Horten in Wharfedale Comprehensive."Yes my Lord. Of course my Lord," I said 'Three bags full my lord," I muttered.He was a loathsome cretin, I really hated him. Short arsed little runt. He was on wife number three. Rumour had it he liked to watch his wives having group sex with well hung black guys. Personally I always suspected he was gay, well all English public schools have buggery after lights out as a compulsory subject don't they?Emma was gorgeous. Honey blonde hair. Blue eyes. Hour glass figure. Today she had it squeezed into a top two sizes too small and shrink fit.
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